269: TV Sports: Football

Number 269
(1.5 points)
TV Sports: Football
1991: 86

Cinemaware were well-known on the Amiga for very attractive games, living up to their name, but a sports game was not what you would expect from them.

American football, long a fixture for US games players, is not the kind of thing you would expect would prove popular over in the UK, but TV Sports: Football accomplished this through its excellent presentation. The 'TV Sports' tag is appropriate, as the game attempts to recreate the gridiron experience as seen through the television, complete with announcers, sponsors, half-time shows and more. There are features which were quite innovative for the time, such as a range of tactical options and extensive statistics for the large roster of players.

I'll come clean and say that I'm one of the last people you'd want to review an American football game, since my understanding of the sport extends as far as understanding the basic rules and not much more. Actually playing a game like this is mostly beyond me, but I know enough about the genre to see that this is an extremely well-presented example with a lot of fun stuff added, and for the time it would have been unparallelled.

Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
TV Sports Football (1988)(Cinemaware)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr QTX]
TV Sports Football (1988)(Cinemaware)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr QTX]
