Number 270
(1.4 points)
Distant Armies
1991: 87
In a bid to be as inclusive as possible, the 1991 list added a chess game, but arguably the most comprehensive one out there.Distant Armies is not intended to be just any kind of chess simulator. There are endless ways to play modern standard chess, but this is more of a history of what led to that. There are ten historical variants of chess, beginning with Chaturanga fifteen hundred years ago in India. Each game includes its historical background and a simple set of rules to get you started. The game also features a voiced narrator that will guide you through the game as you play.Chess isn't for everyone (myself included) but even those who struggle with the modern game will find this a fascinating journey through chess lore. Who knows, maybe you might find a variation that you prefer to the one that conquered the world, but even if you don't, you'll learn something along the way. A rare game in the list that is still very much relevant today.
Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Distant Armies - A Playing History of Chess (1988)(Eagle Tree)(US)
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