278: Switchblade

Number 278
(1 point)
1991: 91

Although now eclipsed by its sequel, Switchblade was an enjoyable platformer, and an early example of using Japanese design style in a European game.

You play as a short chibi-like character, jumping around platforms, kicking and sweeping your robotic foes, while collecting power-ups to allow you to shoot from a distance. Rather than individual levels, the game takes place in one enormous maze-like building, and you have to play through the whole game in one sitting. There are lots of different enemies to deal with and objects to collect, but the gameplay doesn't get more complex than that.

This kind of game has really aged poorly. Nowadays, in a platform game that takes around an hour to complete, you would have at least regular checkpoints and infinite lives, with the ability to carry on where you left off. Not so here, just one massive level, so if, like me, you don't have the patience, you'll need save states. Furthermore, the attack mechanic is an absolute pain in the neck: tap fire for punch, hold for high kick, hold even longer for sweep, all of which take half a second to actually connect. It's might still be worth checking out, but be aware of its limitations.

Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Switchblade (1989)(Gremlin)[cr Trilogy]
