286: Monty Python's Flying Circus

Number 286
(0.6 points)
Monty Python's Flying Circus
1991: 95

The theme of this game clearly needs no introduction, but if you don't know anything about it, there's no way you'll guess what happens. I was a little surprised to see it grace even the 1991 list, since it's hardly well-known for its playability, but clearly it's notable for other things.

Starring as a Gumby from the classic TV series, this is a mixture of platforming and shooting levels, interrupted - often without warning - by amusing 'cartoons' which usually reference the show. You can turn them off in the menu, but part of the fun of the game is seeing what they come up with next. An early unexpected 'game over' actually made me smile. The game is quite generous with extra health, and you can usually advance at your own pace rather than having to rush through enemies, so with some dexterity it's not too hard to progress. Your limited amount of lives are the biggest issue here.

There are quite a few games on this list that were based on superior arcade games, or have been made somewhat redundant by advances in gaming, but this isn't really one of them. You won't find another game quite like this - whether that's good or bad, that's up to you.

Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Monty Python's Flying Circus (1990)(Virgin)[cr PDX]
