Number 232
(5 points)
1991: 51
Cinemaware returns to the list, ploughing a similar field as Lucasfilm with a First World War aircraft simulation.In a very similar vein to Their Finest Hour (released the same year), Wings sees you dogfighting, bombing and strafing in old planes, with the typical Cinemaware dash of flair. What set the title apart was that the 3D dogfighting sections were only part of the action, with 2D segments dividing up the action. In this way, it continues a trend of Cinemaware games to have several gameplay styles rather than focusing on just one. This can be a negative, as each individual section is not quite as polished as a game dedicated to it. On real hardware, a second disk drive is essential due to frequent disk swapping.
With less strategy and more action than Rocket Ranger and Defenders of the Crown, this is one of Cinemaware's titles that might appeal to more people. No clicking on maps, just get in the sky and get blasting. I admit that I only tried the 3D segment (I didn't get far enough to realise that there were two others), but it was fun, albeit pretty simple. I'll have to play a bit more to really get a feel for it, I think.
Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Wings (1990)(Cinemaware)(Disk 1 of 2)(Reel 1)[cr SR]
Wings (1990)(Cinemaware)(Disk 2 of 2)(Reel 2)[cr SR]
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