Number 215
(7 points)
James Pond 2: Codename Robocod
1992: 66
James Pond returns, but he can now run around thanks to a cybernetic suit.By the time RoboCod appeared on the Amiga, platform games were all the rage, encouraged by their popularity on the Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive. This game managed to get more attention than most, as it felt much more like a console platformer than others. You must guide James through numerous levels, accessed via a hub world of sorts (the outside of a large building). You encounter a range of fantasy baddies, huge bosses, and take control of cars and planes. The control can be very slippy, which will put some people off, but it nevertheless proved very popular at the time.
I did buy this on the ST back in the day, and all I remember is that I didn't get all that far. Then again, I wasn't so good at games back then, but even now, the control takes some getting used to. Mr Pond slips and slides all over the place, and although there are some original touches, the game is just not comfortable enough to recommend today.
Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
James Pond 2 - Codename RoboCod (1991)(Millennium)[cr SR]
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