185: Chuck Rock

Number 185
(11.4 points)
Chuck Rock
1992: 44

The platform fun just keeps on coming with yet another example of the Amiga matching the consoles.
Gary Gritter (ho ho) has kidnapped Chuck's wife Ophelia, and so the intrepid caveman sets out to get her back. You can hit enemy dinosaurs with your belly, give them a jump kick, or, as his name suggests, you can chuck rocks at them. The rocks are a key mechanic to the game, as positioning rocks in the right places can allow you to reach otherwise inaccessible areas. There are five levels to work through, and the game certainly doesn't look out of place amongst other platformers on the Sega Mega Drive, to which it was ported.

Here's a game I've just never got very far on before - probably because I've never made a concerted effort to do so. There's definitely an element of puzzle about this, as using the rocks effectively will give you a better chance to succeed rather than just ploughing from left to right like most platform games. It's got lovely graphics and charm, but I can't say it's close to my favourite of the genre.

Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Chuck Rock (1991)(Core)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr CPY]
Chuck Rock (1991)(Core)(Disk 2 of 2)[cr CPY]
