146: Super Twintris

Number 146
(24 points)
Super Twintris
1992: 53 (9.6)
1993: 65 (14.4)

We've seen Tetris in this list before, but thankfully this one is a bit better.
Super Twintris is not only inspired by Tetris, but seemingly by Twintris, another Tetris clone from back in the day. The 'twin' part of the title comes from the fact that two people can play on the same screen, and the benefit of this version at the time was that it was public domain, or free in other words. There's not much else to say about it except that it's Tetris, and arguably the best version of it on the Amiga.

My only real gripe with this release is that, when your block hits the ground with an audible thump, you can still move it for longer than you'd expect. Sure, it might be handy to slip the blocks into certain crevices, but when you think you've placed it perfectly only to push left or right and slide it out of position, it's quite annoying. I suppose you could get used to it, but let's be real: not many of you will be playing Tetris on an Amiga these days.

Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Super Twintris (1991)(B.B.C.)
