Number 105
(47.6 points)
John Madden Football
1992: 23 (15.6)
1993: 21 (32.0)
It seems a long time ago that I looked at TV Sports: Football, an old classic, but the name 'Madden' eventually became synonymous with gridiron, with good reason.You can choose from 17 different teams, based somewhat on real NFL teams (though without the licence) and with a huge amount of individual players, each with different statistics. Playing either an entire season or just the playoffs, you fight through differing weather conditions and with a plethora of different offensive and defensive tactical plays. For its time, Madden had no equal in translating American football to the computer screen.
Look, I mentioned it way back in the TV Sports: Football review that I don't do American football, so I just didn't give this game a chance. To be honest, if you want to play Madden, there are multiple versions on the Sega Mega Drive, and of course the series still trundles on today, so playing this now would be a little odd, but at the time I can see why Amiga owners would be drawn to it. Not me, though.
Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
John Madden American Football (1992)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Atlantis]
John Madden American Football (1992)(Electronic Arts)(Disk 2 of 2)
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