Number 46
(120.6 points)
The Blues Brothers
1992: 26 (15.0)
1993: 31 (28.0)
1994: 55 (27.6)
1996: 51 (50.0)
I hope you like platformers, because this list is full of them. Here's another one featuring characters from a film made almost a decade before the game.Choose Jake or Elwood Blues and run through various levels collecting records and gear for your concert, while throwing crates at enemies. That's the basic premise, and the game requires a degree of exploration to discover the aforementioned equipment you need. Repeated playing and memorisation helps here, and the game runs at a brisk pace.
Clearly the Amiga Power team saw something I didn't, choosing this four times for the list, because it really feels like an average platformer to me - and the Amiga has plenty of those. Sure, it's colourful and varied, but it just feels a bit too slippery to me, and there are surely lots of better platformers out there (including ones we've seen in this list already). Well, here it is, so you can have a go if you want.
Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Blues Brothers, The (1991)(Titus)[cr CPY]
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