Number 47
(120.6 points)
Carrier Command
1991: 15 (8.6)
1992: 81 (4.0)
1993: 60 (16.4)
1994: 78 (13.8)
1995: 60 (32.8)
1996: 56 (45.0)
It's time for the fifth entry in the list of six-time appearances, and it's a classic 3D simulation. Ever wanted to command an aircraft carrier, its weaponry, some planes and some boats, all at the same time? Well now you can.This is a game with a premise that is easy to grasp, but with an execution that will take some time to get to grips with. As the title suggests, you take charge of a futuristic aircraft carrier, equipped with lasers and missiles to both attack and defend, and within its docks are a small fleet of Walrus boats and Manta aircraft. You are faced with an archipelago of neutral islands, with your ultimate goal being to colonise them and establish supply routes between them, while being mindful of your enemy trying to do the same thing. The way to achieve this is to move your carrier around, sending out Walruses and Mantas while keeping things under control at the helm of the ship. It is not a game to enter into lightly, but the fact it was chosen for all six Top 100 lists is testament to its grand scope and staying power.
I'll put my hands up here and confess that my playing extended to starting the Action game and playing for two minutes, enough time to grab the screenshot for this review, because after skimming the manual I could see that I'd never have time to properly play this. That said, the manual does lay it all out very clearly, it just takes time to process it all and actually play the game itself. It's undoubtedly a 16-bit computer classic, and maybe one day I'll actually try to play it, but that day is not today.
Recommended TOSEC disk(s):
Carrier Command v1.0 (1988-07-08)(Rainbird)[cr Defjam - CCS]
Carrier Command v1.2 (1988-08-19)(Rainbird)[cr]
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